Hunter Knepshield of Texas, Inc. believes that an interesting and exciting playground encourages imagination and creativity outdoors, and can help aid in development of a child’s physical and creative potential. We want to help make this happen by offering a list of resources that may assist you with your Playground Funding.
This section of our site will give you information about leasing programs, grant opportunities and fundraising ideas to help you make the playground you want a reality.
Leasing Programs
Leasing is a great option for many organizations.
• You have tax benefits with lease payments – your payments may be fully deductible
• Leasing permits 100% financing with no down payment, so you get the equipment you need without a major cash outlay
• With leasing, you can arrange long, flexible terms with low monthly payments
• Leasing lets you put your equipment to use immediately to generate revenues – with minimum budgetary impact
• Leasing conserves valuable company working capital and preserves your bank credit lines
• Lease payments are fixed, not adjustable – you don’t have to worry about floating interest rates.
Fundraising Ideas
This section will provide you with a few ideas to get you on your way to providing an exciting environment for children to play. Find out more fundraising ideas by downloading the Fundraising Resource Guide developed by the Fundraising Ideas and Products Center (
• Start a Facebook Cause Page
• Car Wash
• Bake Sale
• Recycle for Cash
ReCellular, Inc.
(800) 441-1544
Eco-Cell: cell phone recycling program.
Eco-Phones: cell phone and consumer electronics fundraising including DVDs, laptops, MP3 players and digital cameras
Empties for Cash: inkjet cartridge recycling program
Funding Factory: cell phone and inkjet cartridges recycling program
Kartridges for Kidz: inkjet cartridge recycling program
Phoneraiser: cell phone and inkjet cartridges recycling program
National Grant Opportunities
Playground Grants
A great resource for finding fundraising and grant resources for your next playground.
The Foundation Center
Excellence resource tool for grant seekers as well as grant makers.
Environmental Funders and Grants
Environmental Funders and Grants is a database of environmental initiative funding opportunities for various states.
KaBOOM! is a national non-profit dedicated to saving play for America’s children.
DonorsChoose enables teachers to post resource needs and it allows donors to browse and grant requests.
eSchool News online
This online version of a monthly magazine contains a grants section with regularly updated grant, scholarship,professional development, and other funding opportunities for both educators and students.
This web site’s goal is to “make life a little easier for those who devote their time to searching for education grants and identifying new funding opportunities for their organizations, schools, districts, consortia, and state education agencies.”
Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all federal grant making agencies, and encompasses over 900 grant programs offered by the twenty six Federal grant-making 23 agencies. It streamlines the process of awarding over $350 billion annually to state and local governments, academia, not-for-profits, and other organizations.
Offers a complete listing of all Thompson Publishing Group publications that focus on grant and funding issues. Subscribers of the group’s publications have access to a special section that provides resources such as grant deadlines, highlights of funding issues, and links to related Web sites.
A collection of resources and tips to help K-12 educators apply for and obtain special grants for a variety of projects. The site offers fundraising ideas, sample proposals, grant writing tips, and scholarship information.
Hasbro Children’s Fund
All funding is focused on programs which help children in need.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
In the United States, grants are made in the four areas of: health, food systems and rural development, youth and education, and philanthropy and volunteerism.
U.S. Department of Education (ED)
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is providing nearly $38 billion this year to states and school districts, primarily through formula-based grant programs, to improve elementary and secondary schools and meet the special needs of students.
The Kresge Foundation Grant (KRESGE)
Grants are provided for the construction of facilities, renovation of facilities, purchase of major equipment , and purchase of real estate.
Home Depot Building Healthy Communities Grant Program
Home Depot Grants support community development and improvement projects.
PEP Grants – Department of Education
Physical Education Program Grants are being awarded in many states across the country for playground equipment.
Aetna Foundation Targets Obesity
Aetna Foundation is providing grants to fight Obesity and fund the education of communities through health literacy programs.
Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation
Build-a-Bear Workshop Foundation focuses on improving communities by helping children, families, and animals.
Lego Children’s Fund
Lego Children’s Fund focus is on childhood development and funds are made available to educational facilities that are in need of early childhood development programs.
Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation
Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation supports K-12 school improvements including playground renovations/updates.
Hilton Hotel’s Contribution Request Application
Hilton Charitable giving has a focus on youth programs and k-12 education.
Land and Water Conservation Fund
This grant provide up to 50 percent reimbursement for outdoor recreation projects. Federal money is administered by the state in cooperation with the National Park Service.
Recreation Trails Program
The Recreation Trails Program (RTP) provides funds to the states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both non motorized and motorized recreational trail uses. The RTP is an assistance program of the Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration.
Lowe’s Toolbox for Education
There is a preference for funding requests that have a permanent impact such as facility enhancement (both indoor and outdoor) as well as landscaping/clean up type projects. Projects that encourage parent involvement and build stronger community spirit will be favored.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bay Watershed Education and Training Program (BWET)
NOAA B-WET provides grants in support of locally relevant experiential learning through meaningful watershed educational experiences in the K-12 environment.
L.L. Bean Conservation and Recreation Grants
Based on L.L.Bean’s heritage and ongoing commitment to ensuring quality outdoor experiences for our customers, we’ve chosen conservation and outdoor recreation as the primary focus of our corporate charitable giving program. We look to local, state, regional and national organizations to help our customers enjoy the outdoors in a responsible manner.
Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Education Grants
The Grants Program sponsored by EPA’s Environmental Education Division (EED), Office of Children’s Health Protection and Environmental Education, supports environmental education projects that enhance the public’s awareness, knowledge, and skills to help people make informed decisions that affect environmental quality.
Toyota Tapestry Grants
Toyota Tapestry program will award 50 grants of up to $10,000 each and a minimum of 20 “minigrants” of $2,500 each to K-12 science teachers. Interested teachers should propose innovative science projects that can be implemented in their school or school district over a one-year period.
General Mills Youth Nutrition and Fitness Grants
The General Mills Foundation, in partnership with the American Dietetic Association Foundation and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, developed the Champions for Healthy Kids grant program in 2002. Each year since inception, the General Mills Foundation awards 50 grants of $10,000 each to community-based groups that develop creative ways to help youth adopt a balanced diet and physically active lifestyle.
Reader’s Digest Make It Matter Grant
Reader’s Digest Foundation “Make It Matter” Grants will identify people whose stories of giving back inspire others. RDF will give $100,000 to a deserving charity in their name and the stories may also appear on or
National Education Association Student Achievement Grants
The NEA Foundation provides grants to improve the academic achievement of students in U.S. public schools and public higher education institutions in any subject area(s).
American Academy of Dermatology’s Shade Structure Grants
To assist organizations in creating sun-safe outdoor areas, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has announced the availability of grants for its Shade Structure Program. The program is open to schools and organizations that serve children and teenagers, ages 18 and younger.
National Funding Sources for Nature Programming
Youth Garden Grants
National Gardening Association awards Youth Garden Grants to schools and community organizations with child-centered garden programs.
The Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Grant
The Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Grant Program gives small monetary grants to schools, nature centers, or other non-profit educational organizations for the purpose of establishing outdoor learning centers within the United States and Canada.
American Honda Foundation
The American Honda Foundation makes grants to K–12 schools, colleges, universities, trade schools, and others for programs that benefit youth and scientific education.
DonorsChoose enables teachers to post resource needs and it allows donors to browse and grant requests.
ING Unsung Heros
Awards are given to K-12 educators pioneering new teaching methods and techniques that improve learning based on innovative methods, creativity, and ability to positively influence students. Each year, 100 finalists are selected to receive a $2,000 award, payable to both the winning teacher and his or her school.
Kids in Need Teacher Grants
Kids In Need Teacher Grants provide K-12 educators with funding to provide innovative learning opportunities for their students. The Kids In Need Foundation helps to engage students in the learning process by supporting our most creative and important educational resource — our nation’s teachers.
The Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation
The mission of the Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation is to support educators in developing environmental curricula that integrate field activities and classroom teaching and that incorporate basic ecological principles and problem solving.
Richard C. Bartlett Environmental Education Awards
The Richard C. Bartlett Environmental Education Award is awarded annually to an outstanding educator who has successfully integrated environmental education into his or her daily education programs. The award is given to an educator who can serve as an inspiration and model for others. A $5,000 cash award is provided for the recipient to continue their work in environmental education.
Operation Green Planet Free Seed Grants
America the Beautiful Fund’s Operation Green Plant program is offering grants of FREE SEEDS (Vegetable, Flower, or Herb) to encourage citizen efforts to protect and preserve America’s lands and resources. These are 2006 seeds with germination rates of 90% to 95%. Grants of 100 to 2,000 seed packets are being offered on the basis of availability and relative need.